December 13, 2008

No Change

This morning when I walked in, Shirley was still nauseated. She didn't have a good night. Lots of pain and nausea.

We will see what today brings. We did get the PET Scan results. It's hard to understand when you don't know what you are reading so it will help when the doctors come in to explain the results. But from what I can read, it's still really bad.

Shirley hasn't eaten in so long and I don't know how much longer she can go on doing that. And I know the solution to that but will Shirley go along with that? I have no idea.

I know you are all praying and we appreciate that. Please keep praying to keep Shirley's pain and nausea under control. I miss my Shirley so much. We all do. And pray for Mike. I see the pain get so much worse in his eyes every day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sad to hear that after we left yesterday that Shirley got so sick. Shirley we are praying for you non-stop. May you always feel all the love that surrounds you every minute of everyday!!!!

To Shirley’s family: you are wonderful! Shirley is so blessed to have you all by her side. I know why Shirley is so special….. she comes by it naturally!!!!!! God Bless you all!!!!!! Love, Pat