October 12, 2009

So Many Things To Talk About...

and so many mixed emotions. I guess that is how life typically is...I think I just notice it more. My emotions are so up and down every day.

I will start with Friday night. One word for bunco...Awesome. And not just because I won. That helps. I have decided that I enjoy Bunco so much because I spend about 3 hours doing nothing but laughing. And talking. And eating. And drinking. All of my favorite things to do. I got to bring some friends to my parents house who had never been there. It means a lot to me to share that with people. It's also very good to see that people who I love, who have never met each other, also enjoy each other's company. I had family, work friends, Teresa who I graduated with...I do not even have the words for that emotion. But it was good.

Saturday I woke up and had to go to the dentist. Gross. I was getting the "deep cleaning". Fortunately, they had given me two little pills to take beforehand and that was very helpful. After sleeping that off for a couple of hours, met up with Mom, Dad, Tom, Cindy, Tim and Bea for movie night. We went to eat at Five Guys and then went to see Couples Retreat. A couple of times I looked down at everyone in the aisle and everyone was laughing and seemed to be having a good time. I personally had a great time. The movie was hilarious and I am sure was a little preview of our future trip to Mexico. Which is scary.

Yesterday...I relaxed. Slept in, watched football. And I ended my day watching Terms of Endearment. And that gave me the cry that I needed. I missed Shirley all weekend. I hated doing all of those things and having such a good time without her. I hated it. I love everyone and I love being with them. And I hate that she's not there. If that is not the ultimate example of mixed emotions...I don't know what is.

And then this morning, more bad news. Kathy's other doggie died in the middle of the night. Two dogs in a month sucks. I was so sad. So I have decided today I will not fight the emotions as much.

I have started to get excited for Thanksgiving...but deep down...what will I do without her there? I just do not know:(



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad it sounds like you did have a good weekend for the most part with winning at bunco and then the movie. I heard it was supposed to be really funny :) haven't gotten a chance to see it yet.

Tell Kathy I'm sorry to hear about her other dog too :( That's really sad!

Looking forward to our Thanksgiving too! :) This year Frank, my dad, & I are having 2 Thanksgivings because today it was Thanksgiving in Canada and Frank has some family that lives there. So it was kind of cool :) My mom couldn't come which was a bummer because it was last minute and couldn't get out of work. But we had fun.

Hope you get some good sleep tonight!
