August 19, 2009

Bad Dog Was Sad...

Nik was sick. He tried to play with Nik to make him feel better...or he just wanted to play...whatever.


Anonymous said...

Dogs seem to sense that sort of's wierd. Hope he gets to feeling better..


Anonymous said...

Oh :( Poor Nik! That really sucks! I get headaches all the time and sometimes migrains too. I feel his pain.

You're a great mom Teresa! He's lucky to have you to take care of him! :)

Hope he is feeling better tonight!
Hope you're feeling better too!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe he so grown up Uncle Guy couldn't get over it. We have pictures of him and Jake holding their fishing poles up for him to put worms on their lines. He said that he and Jake are men. Isn't it funny that whenyou look at them I still see them as 10.
Tell them I love them and I love you too also Steve and Kelsey