July 20, 2009

Dad is out of the Hospital...

He shouldn't be but he is. Anyone who knows Tom Lewis knows he is very stubborn. He was not staying one day past Saturday no matter what. So they showed him how to give himself these shots he needs and sent him on his way. They did tell him that he now needs to see a Vascular Surgeon. He will see the doctor this morning at 9:00 and we should know more...I hope.

Visiting dad the last couple of times in the hospital brought back a lot of memories...not good ones. Listening to the medical stuff made me remember how hard it was trying to learn everything they were talking about with Shirley. I wanted to know what every medical term and every blood test meant...and by the time it was over...I did.

I am trying to stay positive when it comes to this crap with my dad. Not sure it's working...but I am trying. I will feel better after he goes to the doctor today.




Anonymous said...

Good luck and as always, you'll all be in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Well, I hope those shots they gave him will work! I'm still praying for him lots!!
