September 08, 2009

Where to start...

Friday night...Teresa spent in bed. Still wasn't feeling too great. Saturday was spent cleaning and shopping for Nik Noland's big 18th birthday. We ended up at Joe and Kelly's that evening to watch K.U. football team win big. They fixed some delicious food and it was a really great time.

Sunday was the big day. The whole family showed up. Even Kathy and her girls. They were supposed to be out of town but lucky for me...they didn't end up going. So, it was really awesome. The party was great. It was so nice to see everyone in the same room again. I really needed that.

Yesterday was the recovery from the weekend. We did get our fantasy football league together but other than that...not much else went on.

My Shirley story for the day was that Saturday night I had a dream about Shirley not being at my party on Sunday. And it was really upsetting. And in my dream she told me that I would have Kathy there. When I woke up Sunday I was sad because I didn't think I would have Kathy there. And then I got the call that she would be there. Funny how things work out.

I think mentally I am on the countdown to Shirley's birthday. It is on Monday. I don't know how I am going to deal with this. I don't think very well. But we'll see.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See, God always works things out :) Sometimes we see it in dreams and you did :)

I'm so glad that Kathy was able to make it! You needed her.
