September 25, 2009

Visitor at 2:00 in the morning...

and it wasn't Shirley. So...still having a little bit of insomnia. Sitting in my living room at 2:00 with bad dog sleeping in front of the open door. I see something out of the corner of my eye....on my porch. Right in front of bad dog. I look's the biggest freaking raccoon I have ever seen. It was as big as my dog. Claws were super long and thick. I was terrified. I jump up to shut the door...bad dog still not moving. Thank God...the raccoon would have won that fight for sure. Slowly...raccoon turns and climbs up the pole and goes on top of the roof. I am idea what to do. Of course...everyone else sound asleep.

As I am standing there with no idea what to do...and no protection from the bad dog...grrrr....down comes the raccoon. He turns and looks at me again...and then slowly saunters off.

So basically...that kept me awake for awhile longer.

Trust me...raccoons are not cute and cuddly. They are disgusting. And scary.

Weekend is here...yea!!!!! I hope everyone has a great weekend and watch out for scary raccoons.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, no kidding about the raccoons!! My friend and I were camping in a tent and all of a sudden we woke up to the sounds of heavy breathing and snorting from just outside our was a creepy raccoon. We were so scared we tried to stay very quiet trying to keep the raccoon from hearing us so it wouldn't try to come in or whatever.

Anyway, hope you have a good weekend too! :)
