January 12, 2010

Sad Today:(

You will grieve my loss, but I have not gone. My body is beyond your reach, but my soul is touching yours. I am the one who enters your dreams. Caresses your face Hugs you. Misses you. I have not left, my spirit is with yours. I am all around you when you call. I am the gentle breeze when there is no wind. I am in the photo on the wall when you blink in disbelief. I am the song that enters your head for no reason, yet it reminds you. Don't grieve that I am gone. I am with you, beside you, in you. I will be forever.

I cried on the way to work today. Again. I would say I don't know why...but I do. I need her.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a really nice poem Teresa. I'm sorry your sad today. :(
