January 26, 2010

On My Way....

to Mexico. Tomorrow morning we leave ... and I can't wait. I don't think I have ever been so ready in my entire life to get out of town. I know it has a lot to do with the cold weather, but also working two jobs and just general stress.

The last two years have just really been hard and there are so many reminders everywhere on all of the sadness and heartache. It's just time for a break. I am glad that my family (some of them) will be with me. I have never taken a vacation for 8 days so that is also awesome!!!

So for now...goodbye!!! I will take lots of pictures and videos and maybe I will learn how to put a video on here.

I love you!!!! Back on the 3rd!!!




Anonymous said...

It will be such a release for you emotionally physically and to be with family is the greatest gift of all. Where I lack of having my brothers ans sisters around my husband and children make up for it, they are so wonderful and LeAnna and Rachel summed it up right. Aunt Shirley may be gone from our sight but not from our memeories. She left so many for me and my children to remember. I wish I was there to see Sammi and Alex more and Mike but Ilove them all the same. ooo's and XXX's to them( huigs and kisses)
Love Tear

Anonymous said...

have a great time all of you and enjoy yourselves. I love you, aunt connie

Anonymous said...

I hope you have an awesome time..


Anonymous said...

Enjoy this time of relaxation!! So glad you are able to get away for a nice vacation!

Have fun and be safe!


Anonymous said...


Hope you are having a wonderful trip. Can't wait to see pictures.

