August 04, 2008

Yes, it's Chemo Day...

Today is Shirley's day for Chemotherapy but we are not going this morning. Instead she has changed the time to 4:00. We hope that the change in time will actually give her some time to do some stuff on Monday instead of spend the entire day at the Cancer Center. We may get home a little later but at least the whole day is not spent there. We will see how it goes.

Shirley did survive the fair. I know it was very, very hot the last couple of days. I am glad it is over so I don't have to worry about her out there. I do know Mike took care of her and did not make her spend a lot of time there. I am sure they are all glad that it is done.

I do believe that next weekend our Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Dan come to town. We will all get together for a BBQ like we always do and have a great time. I am looking forward to that.

So we will get through today and Shirley can look forward to being off next week. That is always nice. I know she did not feel very well last night so hopefully that has passed.

Will update on our chemo day later!!! Everyone have a wonderful day:)


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