June 19, 2008


Well, I just got an update from our girl Shirley. She was very tired today, which is normal. That's what Thursdays are for Shirley and she plans on that. Mom did take her a diet coke and I am sure it was delicious!

We are instant messaging right now and she said that her daughter Sam made her grilled cheese for lunch. Now, I do want to point out that Shirley does have some wonderful kids. And Sam is so good for her mother. She is a great girl and does almost anything Shirley needs. She is definitely a gift from God. Now more than ever. It is so much easier not to worry knowing that little Miss Sam is there taking care of her mom. And I am sure Alex is too, but he's a boy. They are good for hugs.

Anyway, looks like we have had a good week and I am grateful to God for that!


Viola Foote said...

Shirley, I am a friend of Caroly Fox. We attend the same church in Michigan. I went through chemo and radiation last late summer and fall. I am holding you up in prayer. I know how difficult it can be, but keep you eyes on God our Father, keep you spirits high, and don't accept any negative comments that the doctors may give you. The more positive you are, the more you rely on God and the fiestier you are, the greater your chances. I am now going to a Holistic doctor to rebuild my Immune System, and detoxify my body so that I can competely heal and my body can fight off any other cancer. If you can, check out this web site: www.drday.com.
She is a medical doctor who had surgery, but refused chemo and radiation and was healed of very aggressive cancer by changing her diet, building her Immune System and staying in the Word. Look up the following scriptures, and get them deep down in your spirit: Proverbs 4;20-22; Romans 8:11;Exodus 23:25-26; Psalm 103:1-5; Psalm 107:20; Isaiah 52;5;Matthew 18:19; John 10:10;III John 2;James 5:14,15; II Timothy 1:7; Ephesians 6;10-13. You'll be in my prayers.
Vi Foote

Viola Foote said...

Keep the faith, Shirley!