Bad dog on the loose. Kelsey just left me a voicemail on my phone...(slow talking Kelsey) "Hey mom, it's me Kelsey. I just wanted to let you know that I'm home and I had a good day and....(fast talking Kelsey) the dog is in the front yard. Bye."
Grrr...frustrating sitting here at work knowing my kids are running all over the neighborhood chasing a bad dog, who by the way, is as happy as can be that this is all happening.
Good day today!!!! Happy Wednesday!
P.S. Two days until Bunco!!!
Bad dog on the loose! HAHA I hope they catch him quickly. Bust out the dog biscuits! Works every time!
OK, that's classic! I can just hear Kelsey's voice saying all that!
OOPS, that was me, Kelly
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