September 01, 2009

Not much going on...

in the life of Teresa. Right now I think that is a good thing. Just really down in the dumps lately. Work is overwhelming, kids are overwhelming, life is overwhelming. It's hard to fight every day to keep from getting down...sometimes you just give up. I think I am at that point for the moment. Like I said yesterday, Shirley being gone is weighing on me tremendously. It's a fight every day to try to just keep moving forward. Of course, I know that I have to and this I am sure is just temporary.

I am planning for Nik Noland's 18th birthday party on Sunday. It will be nice to have family over. Maybe that will help. We will see.

Sorry to be such a downer. Not fun to read when it's like this.



P.S...thanks for the hug Teresa:)


Anonymous said...

It's ok we all get down, and even though it may not be "fun" to read it's a part of life. I'm sorry you have been feeling this way all week though..

I hope that this weekend will cheer you up with Nik's b-day party. :) Sounds really nice.

I hope tomorrow will bring a brighter day for you!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

I hope everything is ok! Haven't heard from you lately. :(

I miss reading the daily blog...


Anonymous said...

Niks turning's unbelievable!
