Here are some of the pictures from the evening. I will say that from my end...it was definitely a success. I won some big money...and had great friends and family over. We had margaritas, deli sandwiches...and an endless supply of laughter!!! It's great to see people come together who have never met and within a few minutes seem like old friends. The bad dog did terrorize everyone most of the night. These 11 people now know why I call him bad dog. He wanted their food, the dice, their drinks, all of their attention. He demanded to be part of the fun and games whether they wanted him to be or not. Once everyone was gone...I relaxed on my deck and I am sure with a huge smile on my face...thought about what a great evening it was. I needed it more than I could ever have imagined. And didn't even realize it.
And, we plan to do it again. Mom will be hosting the next bunco. So I am already excited for the next one.
When you look at the pictures, I am sure it is obvious that our girl is missing. Her big smile and red hair. Her laughter was missed. I have her pictures up everywhere so when I was missing her...I just peeked over at her and imagined her there. It works for now I guess.
Fall is coming....I left my house this morning and leaves were falling. I am ready. Changes of seasons will be good. My favorite part of the year is right around the corner.
I will be having lunch with mom and hopefully Kathy and Cindy this week. I will also be doing a dinner out with my high school girlfriends. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people. Shirley and God know that is what I need. It's the only way I will survive. And for now it's working.
I love you all and thank you so much for loving me:)
I have had a hard time getting on this site because of missing my family so much.
You all look like you had a wonderful time. Hugs to all of you, Love Tear
That made me laugh...the one about Shirley being tipsy and dancing..I can just picture her..SMILING..Your party looked like it was fun. I'm sooo glad.
I am so sorry I couldn't make it. It looks like a good time! I see the bad dog was right in the thick of things. HEHE
See you Wednesday!
I'm glad you had a good turn out at your party! :) Looks like a lot of fun!
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