September 23, 2009

8 Months ago today...

Shirley passed away. I feel like on Shirley's birthday a made some progress with my grief. I have done really well since that day. I still have moments every single day I tear up. It's a lot of work to push grief away and remember happy times. But that is what I am doing. I haven't slept for 2 nights and I woke up crying...weird how my body and mind know ... even when I don't think I am thinking about it.

So today we will move forward...I am having lunch with Mom, Cindy and Kathy...Chinese of course!!!! Yea!!! And tonight I will see my girlfriends from high school. These people will help me get through this day and every day.

I did wake up to Bad Dog kissing my whole doesn't get much better than that.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bad dog was there to save the day...
