August 05, 2009

How to Make a Dog Come To You....

would be a good thing to teach a bad dog. He escaped out the front door this morning as I was leaving for work. Prancing just as happy as he could be. No way was he coming to me...I would just put him back in the house. I spent the next 45 minutes chasing him. By the time I was done, I was sweating like a pig, I was dirty and exhausted. I was sure when I did get a hold of him, somebody would call the Humane Society on me for abusing my dog. Luckily two German Shepherds caught his attention and when they started barking at him, he got scared. I grabbed him with everything I had and I was not letting go. I think he walked a block on his back two feet. All I know, as we were walking, I had two hands on his collar, he was standing up and we were eye to eye, with me yelling and lecturing the entire time. I'm sure this would have made a great You Tube Video. Grrrrr....

O.K., now that is out of the way. We are five days into August and the weather for this summer has been great. Nice and cool. So now it starts to heat up...the weekend I am going camping. Yuck!!!!

I talked to mom today and she is having a good time with the kiddos. She has Jake, Sam and Alex this week. She said Sammy is such a sweet girl. They are baking and playing games. The boys I am sure not so sweet. But I think they are helping dad out a little. When she told me how sweet Sam and Alex are, I told her that is the one thing Shirley did a momma. She was a great mom and those kids are proof. They look like her, they have a lot of her personality and just all around good kids. Thank God we have them.




Anonymous said...

OMGosh, I love your "bad dog" stories. They crack me up...


Anonymous said...

You definitely have great "bad do stories. We have a new puppy but ours has not been that bad. Thank goodness. They are a handful, but great to have around.


Anonymous said...

That's good Aunt Debbie gets to spend time with them :) Sounds like they are enjoying themselves too.

To get my dog to come back to me I just crouch down and call her. She will usually come if I do that. If I just yell at her to come it doesn't work :( I think she pretends she can't hear me. They really do have a mind of their own lol ;)

Anyway, glad you were able to catch him!


Anonymous said...

Glad you caught the bad dog! Mine ignore me too from time to time. Hilarious rendition...wish I could have seen it!
