and I just can't take it. I don't want to feel this way anymore. I just want her to come back so we can have fun like we used to. I was trying to think how I would explain to somebody what I am feeling and it's basically this...the most comfortable person that I could be around, I could 100% be myself. It didn't matter what I looked like, skinny or fat, sloppy or neat, hair done or not done, I could be me. And she would love me no matter what. I knew she was not looking AT me. I knew that if I wanted to do something with her, she would want to do it too. I could hug her or touch her and not think twice about it. That would be o.k. Anything I needed to talk about, no matter how small or big, she was really interested. She knew every single thing about me. I know for a fact there are things that only she knew about me. Not one other person in this entire world knew the things about me that she knew. And...she thought I was funny. I could make her laugh without even trying. That may be my favorite thing about Shirley:)
So I am going to sit here in my desk today and feel sorry for myself. And cry. I will try again tomorrow.
I am so sorry. Try to smile. Just think of Shirley's beautiful smile and you won't be able to help it.
Love ya,
So sorry you are having a bad day. Dusty is right, thinking of that will surely put a big smile on your face.
It's ok to feel sorry for yourself...sometimes it just happens that way and we can't plan it. I hope you can find a smile under the tears and find a brighter day. Surely Shirley is looking at you while you are sitting at your desk with a big smile on her face in one of the pictures you have. :)
Hope you feel better!
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