Grrrrr.....bad dog. So yesterday morning...we were up and giving the flea bag a flea bath. And washing everything in the house. I don't think it worked. I think he still has a flea. So two pictures are of the wet dog and two pictures are after I brushed the crap out of him. He was not happy...and he was worn out after we were done.
It was a good weekend. We spent Friday night and Saturday night hanging out with Tim and Bea. This Mexico trip should not have any problems at all as much planning as we are doing. Well, not really planning...just talking. Getting more excited!!!!
This weekend I will leave on Friday and go on a little float trip with some girlfriends. I hope we survive. I don't think any of us really know how to camp so it should be interesting. Wish us luck!!!!
One of the funniest stories I ever heard about camping was when Shirley and Mike went camping and Brandon went with them. I think the story goes that in the middle of the night they thought they were being attacked by a bear or wild animals....but no...it was just Aunt Shirley snoring. I never, ever thought I would say this in my entire life...or would I have a reason to say it...but I miss her snoring:(
It's Monday...again...I hope you all have an awesome week!
OMGosh...that's how my father-in-law is...he snores SO LOUD..Camping with them is a sleepless night...
Have fun on the float trip, Teresa!
Precious animal! I will e-mail you some info on flea and tick control.
For our flea protection we always use Front Line (not sure if it's 1 or 2 words) it works pretty good. I think it's supposed to protect against ticks too. We get it from our vet, it's a little cheaper cuz you can buy them individually. Our groomer sells them too, but you have to buy 12mo worth. They (the groomers) don't recommend giving a flea bath & the Frontline at the same time. Probably wait a week, otherwise it does something to the dogs skin...probably dries it out or something.
Anyway, cute pictures :) And I hope they flea bath helps!!
Have a great time on your float trip!
I remember Shirley coming back to the WV to visit (before her kids were born) and my kids said they heard funny noises from Aunt Shirleys room, it was her snoring. I told them not to say anything to her but give it Tom he couldn't wait to tell Aunt Shirley what he heard and she was great to a 7yr old boy and all in fun as usual with Shirley. My kids loved her so much nothing brings Aunt sjirl down and it was wonderful. No one left their kids with her when they starting to talk ( before her children days) because she would say okay to every thing (my kids got away with alot of things with Aunt Shirley). As a matter of fact they they got away with alot ( even with Uncle Tom) and I would drag them home to the WV kicking and screaming they wanted to stay.
Your dog is so precious looking it's not his fault a flea got him MOM.
Love you Tear
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