So last night was a late night. Not really that out of the ordinary for me. Could not sleep so I watched a lifetime movie with one of Shirley's favorite singers...Reba. O.K. anyway...that late at night you get infommercials. I don't normally watch them but one came on that brought back a funny story. When Shirley was in K.U. she was really, really sick. And at this point she had lost all of her beautiful hair. And we all know how much hair she had. Well one afternoon I was sitting there and it was just her and I, and she started giggling. Of course I instantly start laughing too and asked her what we were laughing about. She said she just realized that the night before she had been watching t.v. and saw a commercial for this barrette that you could put in your hair. And she was thinking about ordering it. Of course it took her until the next day to realize that she didn't have any hair to put a barrette in. And that just cracked her up. We both started laughing until we cried. And that's the commercial that came on last night, the one with the barrette. And I even thought, her hair would have looked beautiful with that barrette in it.
Tomorrow I plan on writing about the one year anniversary of one of the worst days of my life. I actually have had a lot of time to think back on how that day actually happened and everything involved. But not today. I do know that one year ago today Shirley called and asked me to go to her doctor's appointment with her because our mom had gotten the flu and was really, really sick. Dad was going to go too but asked if I would go with her. I said yes. I also assured her that everything would be fine. I had a horrible feeling all day but I was preparing myself to hear some bad news, but whatever it was we would just do what we had to do to get Shirley better. Little did I know that in a little over 24 hours, I would watch Shirley be told the worst news she could possibly hear.
But more on that tomorrow. Not a real happy day today. But we keep on going...
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