Well, I met the girls from high school at Jose Peppers last night around 7:00 and talked nonstop until 10.00. We had a really good time. Well I did anyway. I guess I shouldn't speak for these ladies. I'm sure they are worn out after I talk that much for that long. It's amazing how fast time goes when you are enjoying yourself. I get to bring Shirley into the conversation sometimes and I love doing that. It makes me happy that they know her and can appreciate the stories. The only thing I hate is that as soon as I left the restaurant last night, the first thing I wanted to do was call Shirley and tell her everything we talked about. She would have loved it.
Hopefully some of the girls that were unable to make it last night can join us the next time.
The picture here is of Nik and Aunt Shirley. She was so awesome with my kids. I mean they talk about her all of the time and it makes me so happy. They are really good about telling me happy memories they have of her and making me laugh. I love that. I'm sure it's good for them too. Those boys spent many nights at Aunt Shirley's house and I hope they remember that forever.
It's Wednesday...closer to the weekend. Have an awesome day!!!
I'm in! Looking forward to visiting with everyone, it does us good I think to do this thru life and bring back memories! :)
I had a another great time at dinner! I can't wait to do it again. Lots of good conversation and laughs. :0)
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