Mom and I played bingo last night. Fun!!!! Mom actually got a bingo. That makes it even more fun. That is the one thing that mom and I have always enjoyed doing together. And it was nice to get out of the house for a little bit and spend some alone time with my mom.
Tomorrow night it's ladies poker at Sharon's. I can't wait. Hopefully I will come home a winner...not likely but I hope. It's been awhile since we played. I am definitely looking forward to it.
Tonight I get to babysit for a girl that I work with...Allison. Her baby's name is Abigail. I actually have a very soft spot for Miss Abigail because she was born with very pretty red hair.
So, I guess it's another work day. Mom and I talked about Shirley quite a bit last night. It felt good to do that. Of course I spent the rest of the night crying thinking about her. You have to take the good with the bad.
Hey, I am going to post my email address on here. That way I can talk to you through email and not just on the blog. Would love to hear from you. tnoland@hermeslandscaping.com
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