January 15, 2010

Confessions of a crybaby...

Tears come easily for me. I tend to cry more the older I get, but all tears are not created equal.

Ther​e's the mommy crying that gushes out when the kids are sleeping and I think about how sweet they are, how they're growing up, and how I can't stop it.

There's the I-haven't-d​ealt-with-m​y-issues crying, where I bust out during a Hallmark commercial, or the mad tears that come when I can't articulate what's really bothering me. I also tend to cry when I'm embarrassed.​

I've got artsy tears when I'm moved by someone's creativity, empathy tears when I hear of someone's hard time, and sometimes I have the crazy tears that come for no reason at all.

Perhap​s the most meaningful tears are ones that show up because of another person's kindness toward me, especially when I've done nothing to deserve it. I try to pay attention to those.

I admit I got this from another blog. But I felt very strongly that this was meant for me. It's 100% how I feel. And I am sure as you read this you will feel the same way.

This weekend will bring more shopping for my trip. I hope this weekend will bring happiness to all of my family and friends. And feel free to cry all of the tears you want to. We need to learn to be thank ful for them.




Anonymous said...

Soooo, it's not just me??? Whew...Have a great weekend!!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah...sometimes I think it's another part of being a girl. Sometimes I cry so much at the dumbest things and of course, my husband does not understand lol ;) But it's ok.

I hope you have fun shopping tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

It is in our makeup as women. Always remember when you cry it cleanses the soul. Guy says mine should be sqeaky clean.
All my love,

Anonymous said...

Love the tears explanation!!! Only us women can understand the differences!

Diana :)