January 04, 2010

Update on Bad Dog...

well...there really isn't any. He still has a lump. It doesn't really feel that different to me. But he has a great appetite and plenty of energy. So I really don't know what to do at this point. I think we will finish the medicine up this week and maybe go back in next week. Hmmmm...frustrating.

He definitely has figured out that he is taking medicine. 2 pills in the morning and one at night. We have tried cheese, bread, beef, peanut butter...you name it. Even marshmallows. He eats everything and spits the pills out. Grrrrr.... So his momma is holding his big mouth open and throwing them down his throat. He coughs for a little bit...and then we are done.

:) Teresa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh the pooch ;) That's so funny...they are smarter than we think sometimes huh...

Well I hope the lump goes down and disappears!
