to Mexico. Tomorrow morning we leave ... and I can't wait. I don't think I have ever been so ready in my entire life to get out of town. I know it has a lot to do with the cold weather, but also working two jobs and just general stress.
The last two years have just really been hard and there are so many reminders everywhere on all of the sadness and heartache. It's just time for a break. I am glad that my family (some of them) will be with me. I have never taken a vacation for 8 days so that is also awesome!!!
So for now...goodbye!!! I will take lots of pictures and videos and maybe I will learn how to put a video on here.
I love you!!!! Back on the 3rd!!!
January 26, 2010
January 25, 2010
One Year Has Passed...
and we survived. We survived because of our family. We met out at the grave on Saturday around 4:00. We took down the decorations from her tree and put some new flowers down. At first we cried....we hugged and cried. And then we started to tell stories...the way we do. And we laughed and it felt good. I made the comment that on the very saddest day of my the end of the day I felt good. I love my family. My parents, my brothers and sisters (that includes my sister-in-laws...I consider them my sisters). They are comforting despite their own grief. What would I do without them.
Now for a few weird signs....I decided to stop at JC Penney's on my way home. And I run into one of Shirley's very dear friends Paige. She is also a golden retriever owner so we also have that little bond. But I know Shirley wanted me to see her. I haven't seen her since Shirley passed away and they were so dear to Shirley's heart.
And then...a little Christmas tree that we had put on Shirley's grave that had lights on it that were supposed to be solar powered...none of us had ever seen them work. I had driven by at night to see and no...they weren't on. Dad had tried to work with them. As Steve and I are walking out of JC Penney' the back of his truck...the Christmas tree is blinking the brightest lights you have ever seen. And they blinked all of the way home. I just couldn't help but smile. Thank you Shirley:)
Kathy called later to tell me that they saw Diane White at Ladies Night Out Saturday night. One of Shirley's very favorite things to do. So that was nice. emotionally draining weekend. And very busy weekend. We leave Wednesday on our Mexico trip. I don't think I have ever been more ready for a vacation in my life. I need to get away from everything!!!
My bad dog is giving me the guilty sad eyes....He knows I am leaving him. I think I will miss him more than my own children...maybe I shouldn't have said that out loud.
Have a great day:)
Now for a few weird signs....I decided to stop at JC Penney's on my way home. And I run into one of Shirley's very dear friends Paige. She is also a golden retriever owner so we also have that little bond. But I know Shirley wanted me to see her. I haven't seen her since Shirley passed away and they were so dear to Shirley's heart.
And then...a little Christmas tree that we had put on Shirley's grave that had lights on it that were supposed to be solar powered...none of us had ever seen them work. I had driven by at night to see and no...they weren't on. Dad had tried to work with them. As Steve and I are walking out of JC Penney' the back of his truck...the Christmas tree is blinking the brightest lights you have ever seen. And they blinked all of the way home. I just couldn't help but smile. Thank you Shirley:)
Kathy called later to tell me that they saw Diane White at Ladies Night Out Saturday night. One of Shirley's very favorite things to do. So that was nice. emotionally draining weekend. And very busy weekend. We leave Wednesday on our Mexico trip. I don't think I have ever been more ready for a vacation in my life. I need to get away from everything!!!
My bad dog is giving me the guilty sad eyes....He knows I am leaving him. I think I will miss him more than my own children...maybe I shouldn't have said that out loud.
Have a great day:)
January 22, 2010
2 Posts...
from the past. These are two emails that I received after Shirley passed. The first one is from Aunt Connie and the second is from my Uncle Dan....just thought I would share...
Happy little angels layed down their harps one day,
As word arrived that Sister was coming up to stay.
All the little angels and all the big ones too,
Remembered how they watched on earth, things that Sisters do.
Many a little angel had tales he could tell,
Of the many little hurts that Sister somehow made all well!
And Sister's lips were smiling and her eyes were full of mirth---
For she knew she'd be as happy in Heaven as on Earth!
As some of you know, we've been monitoring our (Carolyn's) neice's deteriorating condition as she battled bile duct cancer which is deadly. Her sister Teresa maintained an award winning blog to keep all informed. On Friday 1-23 about 9 months after being diagnosed, Shirley crossed the great divide into the arms of the Savior. We left Sunday 1-25 at 6am to join the family to say our goodbyes to this once bubbly freckel-faced red headed beauty whose life was sadly cut short at 42 by the thief known as cancer. It was impressive to see how many lives she had touched. At the funeral home on Mon night, the line was long as people filed past the family without pause for 2 hours. Back at the house the air was filled with smells of food, and sounds of laughter over stories recalled. The family bond was strong. The following day saw the gathering of some of the same as well as new folk at the country church on Hwy 7 where it passes between Lansing and Bonner Springs (Kansas) in a rural kind of way. Tears were not in short supply as we listened to Brad Paisley and Dolly Parton sing 'When I Get Where I'm Going' and Elvis' rendition of 'Peace in the Valley'. Funny stories about our girl. A moving tribute from her brother. And then the trip to the cemetery. Roughly 50 cars. They don't use flags on the cars there. Everyone turns on their 4 way flashers. Funeral escorts and local police stop traffic at the stop lights. No cars passed us as we were on the southbound side of this 4 lane divided stretch of highway. But when we turned onto Parallel Rd, a 4 lane undivided road I was touched by how everyone in the on coming lanes pulled over and stopped till we passed by. I vaguely remember seeing that kind of respect as a kid. If you did that here today you'd either get honked at or hit! At the gravesite we huddled as close as possible around the tiny tent as the wind took the meager 10 degrees and transformed them into far less. The final words were short and we shivered our goodbyes touching the bronze ornate box one more time. Back to the church for a very nice lunch with family and friends. Later that afternoon back at the house (Debbie & Tom's-Shirleys parents-Carolyn's sister) family gathered and once again the air was filled with aromas and laughter recalling good times and memories which are the treasures of life and we were sure Shirley was listening in.
Happy little angels layed down their harps one day,
As word arrived that Sister was coming up to stay.
All the little angels and all the big ones too,
Remembered how they watched on earth, things that Sisters do.
Many a little angel had tales he could tell,
Of the many little hurts that Sister somehow made all well!
And Sister's lips were smiling and her eyes were full of mirth---
For she knew she'd be as happy in Heaven as on Earth!
As some of you know, we've been monitoring our (Carolyn's) neice's deteriorating condition as she battled bile duct cancer which is deadly. Her sister Teresa maintained an award winning blog to keep all informed. On Friday 1-23 about 9 months after being diagnosed, Shirley crossed the great divide into the arms of the Savior. We left Sunday 1-25 at 6am to join the family to say our goodbyes to this once bubbly freckel-faced red headed beauty whose life was sadly cut short at 42 by the thief known as cancer. It was impressive to see how many lives she had touched. At the funeral home on Mon night, the line was long as people filed past the family without pause for 2 hours. Back at the house the air was filled with smells of food, and sounds of laughter over stories recalled. The family bond was strong. The following day saw the gathering of some of the same as well as new folk at the country church on Hwy 7 where it passes between Lansing and Bonner Springs (Kansas) in a rural kind of way. Tears were not in short supply as we listened to Brad Paisley and Dolly Parton sing 'When I Get Where I'm Going' and Elvis' rendition of 'Peace in the Valley'. Funny stories about our girl. A moving tribute from her brother. And then the trip to the cemetery. Roughly 50 cars. They don't use flags on the cars there. Everyone turns on their 4 way flashers. Funeral escorts and local police stop traffic at the stop lights. No cars passed us as we were on the southbound side of this 4 lane divided stretch of highway. But when we turned onto Parallel Rd, a 4 lane undivided road I was touched by how everyone in the on coming lanes pulled over and stopped till we passed by. I vaguely remember seeing that kind of respect as a kid. If you did that here today you'd either get honked at or hit! At the gravesite we huddled as close as possible around the tiny tent as the wind took the meager 10 degrees and transformed them into far less. The final words were short and we shivered our goodbyes touching the bronze ornate box one more time. Back to the church for a very nice lunch with family and friends. Later that afternoon back at the house (Debbie & Tom's-Shirleys parents-Carolyn's sister) family gathered and once again the air was filled with aromas and laughter recalling good times and memories which are the treasures of life and we were sure Shirley was listening in.
It's been a few days...

but it is physically difficult to even get out of bed. No matter how hard I am trying to fight off these feelings I am's not working. I feel like I am reliving last year all over again. And it happens without me even thinking about it. It's truly a physical thing my body is doing. It's so weird for me because I have never experienced anything like this in my life. I know that a year ago I woke up on a sofa in the hospice house facing my best friend...who was no longer alive. It's like I am dreading that tomorrow I will wake up and see it again. But I won't. I know that. But I did and it hurts so bad.
How is it that you can be so grateful for the people in your life and love and be loved by so many people...and still have such a huge void in your heart. I feel selfish and ungrateful. But I want her.
I am 99% sure that I will spend tomorrow in bed. I just want tomorrow to go away. I don't want to even acknowledge that day. Yes...Shirley got to go to heaven and her pain went away...but my sister went away. And my pain did not go away.
I will be so happy the day we leave for Mexico. I need a change of scenery and I will be with my brothers and sister in laws who mean so much to me. They will help me. They always do.
Please take time tomorrow to think of a really good memory of Shirley that makes you smile or even laugh out loud. She could make you do that so easily.
January 19, 2010
on my new bracelet. I feel so lost without my Shirley bracelet. I normally am adjusting or playing with it during the day all day. It makes me think about her. I hope it comes soon.
I have made the mistake of reading my posts again from a year ago. Praying for Shirley to just be out of pain. And it just wasn't happening. She held on for so long. She was so strong. Just as she was her whole life. She endured a lot in the short life that she had. But with a smile .... the best smile in the world.
I am lunching with Kathy today. I have no doubt it will be emotional. I know that my family is feeling what I am feeling. I think I have pretty much decided that Saturday I will go visit her and then I will just go back to bed. It's not a day I want to remember. I don't like that day at all.
Grief sucks!!!
I have made the mistake of reading my posts again from a year ago. Praying for Shirley to just be out of pain. And it just wasn't happening. She held on for so long. She was so strong. Just as she was her whole life. She endured a lot in the short life that she had. But with a smile .... the best smile in the world.
I am lunching with Kathy today. I have no doubt it will be emotional. I know that my family is feeling what I am feeling. I think I have pretty much decided that Saturday I will go visit her and then I will just go back to bed. It's not a day I want to remember. I don't like that day at all.
Grief sucks!!!
January 18, 2010
and more shopping and more shopping. That's all I have been doing lately. And I love it. Getting ready for Mexico. Had a great day with Mom and Cindy on Saturday.
Not much went on this weekend. It's the complete opposite of what I was doing last year at this time. This was our last week with Shirley one year ago. I'm trying to just stay occupied and not let my mind go there. Which is impossible.
Bad Dog's vet visit got postponed until this coming Saturday. The lump does seem to be shrinking. He is healthy as can be. I have no doubt that he is perfectly fine!!! Which is good. Because I am madly in love with him and he has to be with me for a very long time. I do not know how I am going to survive without him for 8 days.
Glad the snow is done....for now!!!!
Not much went on this weekend. It's the complete opposite of what I was doing last year at this time. This was our last week with Shirley one year ago. I'm trying to just stay occupied and not let my mind go there. Which is impossible.
Bad Dog's vet visit got postponed until this coming Saturday. The lump does seem to be shrinking. He is healthy as can be. I have no doubt that he is perfectly fine!!! Which is good. Because I am madly in love with him and he has to be with me for a very long time. I do not know how I am going to survive without him for 8 days.
Glad the snow is done....for now!!!!
January 15, 2010
Confessions of a crybaby...
Tears come easily for me. I tend to cry more the older I get, but all tears are not created equal.
There's the mommy crying that gushes out when the kids are sleeping and I think about how sweet they are, how they're growing up, and how I can't stop it.
There's the I-haven't-dealt-with-my-issues crying, where I bust out during a Hallmark commercial, or the mad tears that come when I can't articulate what's really bothering me. I also tend to cry when I'm embarrassed.
I've got artsy tears when I'm moved by someone's creativity, empathy tears when I hear of someone's hard time, and sometimes I have the crazy tears that come for no reason at all.
Perhaps the most meaningful tears are ones that show up because of another person's kindness toward me, especially when I've done nothing to deserve it. I try to pay attention to those.
I admit I got this from another blog. But I felt very strongly that this was meant for me. It's 100% how I feel. And I am sure as you read this you will feel the same way.
This weekend will bring more shopping for my trip. I hope this weekend will bring happiness to all of my family and friends. And feel free to cry all of the tears you want to. We need to learn to be thank ful for them.
There's the mommy crying that gushes out when the kids are sleeping and I think about how sweet they are, how they're growing up, and how I can't stop it.
There's the I-haven't-dealt-with-my-issues crying, where I bust out during a Hallmark commercial, or the mad tears that come when I can't articulate what's really bothering me. I also tend to cry when I'm embarrassed.
I've got artsy tears when I'm moved by someone's creativity, empathy tears when I hear of someone's hard time, and sometimes I have the crazy tears that come for no reason at all.
Perhaps the most meaningful tears are ones that show up because of another person's kindness toward me, especially when I've done nothing to deserve it. I try to pay attention to those.
I admit I got this from another blog. But I felt very strongly that this was meant for me. It's 100% how I feel. And I am sure as you read this you will feel the same way.
This weekend will bring more shopping for my trip. I hope this weekend will bring happiness to all of my family and friends. And feel free to cry all of the tears you want to. We need to learn to be thank ful for them.
January 14, 2010
In the words of the Degriefing program creator, Lyn Prashant, "we never get over our grief -- we only change our relationship to it. Grief is a normal human reaction not just to death, but to loss. What we must do is find a way to relate to it."
There was an article I read today how yoga may help some people with their grief. It was very interesting but I found that quote to just really be true.
Today is absolutely no easier than the day Shirley left. You just have to decide how you will react or deal with it on a daily basis. And sometimes you have no control over that.
Last night I had dinner with my girlfriends. They are adorable. I love them. Facebook has also helped me reconnect with some people from high school. I even found some old class photos of Shirley when she was a very little girl. She was adorable.
Mexico is creeping up quickly. I think I am going shopping with my momma on Saturday. She can help me pick out some cute sandals:)
There was an article I read today how yoga may help some people with their grief. It was very interesting but I found that quote to just really be true.
Today is absolutely no easier than the day Shirley left. You just have to decide how you will react or deal with it on a daily basis. And sometimes you have no control over that.
Last night I had dinner with my girlfriends. They are adorable. I love them. Facebook has also helped me reconnect with some people from high school. I even found some old class photos of Shirley when she was a very little girl. She was adorable.
Mexico is creeping up quickly. I think I am going shopping with my momma on Saturday. She can help me pick out some cute sandals:)
January 13, 2010 he is

That's it...the bad dog...with his frozen squirrel toy. Grrrrr...he needs a spanking.
The last few days have been rough. And I know not just for me. My heart hurts for my brothers and my sisters and my parents, my kids, Shirley's kids. It's just such a hard time right now.
But my brother Tommy called me yesterday and just gave me some wonderful news. I don't want to go into detail...but let's just say we know that Shirley is very happy and she is with us every second of every day. He has no idea that he called me at a time yesterday when I needed to hear that more than ever. When I was young I would never have known how lucky I was going to be. But I am. My brothers and sisters are the best. And I am sure you all know how much I love my mom and dad. Right when I need them the most they are there!!!!
I want to leave it at that today.
January 12, 2010
Sad Today:(
You will grieve my loss, but I have not gone. My body is beyond your reach, but my soul is touching yours. I am the one who enters your dreams. Caresses your face Hugs you. Misses you. I have not left, my spirit is with yours. I am all around you when you call. I am the gentle breeze when there is no wind. I am in the photo on the wall when you blink in disbelief. I am the song that enters your head for no reason, yet it reminds you. Don't grieve that I am gone. I am with you, beside you, in you. I will be forever.
I cried on the way to work today. Again. I would say I don't know why...but I do. I need her.
I cried on the way to work today. Again. I would say I don't know why...but I do. I need her.
January 11, 2010
So we went swimsuit shopping...
and it was a lot of fun. Buying that stuff makes it seem real. And my body is starting to really shut down at work so...I think it knows it's time. I actually asked Steve this morning if I could take the bad dog with me to Mexico and he said yes. I am so tempted. But it would probably traumatize him too bad:(
Not much else went on. We saw some movies. Did some shopping.
I haven't been able to get out to see Shirley since Christmas. I don't like that. I'm not sure I could find her under all the snow:( The anniversary is coming up. I am dreading it. I am glad it's on a Saturday so I can just spend it alone. I wish she was going to Mexico with me.
I hope I also get to see my girlfriends from high school this week. Not sure about that one yet.
Not much else went on. We saw some movies. Did some shopping.
I haven't been able to get out to see Shirley since Christmas. I don't like that. I'm not sure I could find her under all the snow:( The anniversary is coming up. I am dreading it. I am glad it's on a Saturday so I can just spend it alone. I wish she was going to Mexico with me.
I hope I also get to see my girlfriends from high school this week. Not sure about that one yet.
January 08, 2010
Dog Toys...
So if you see me on face will already know this awful story. And of course it's about the Bad Dog!!!!
Last week the boys called me at work and told me that they saw bad dog playing in the backyard and once again he was throwing something up in the yard and catching it. He would pounce on it and just was having a great time. Nik decided to go out and take a picture .... the biggest dead squirrel I have ever seen. Disgusting. So naturally I tell Nik to get rid of it so that bad dog will not continue to play with it. Do teenage boys listen to their mothers...NO!!! He thought it was cute and didn't want to take it away from him.
So I get home last night and I ask the boys why my kitchen blinds which face the backyard are all open? They start laughing and tell me because they wanted to watch the dog play with the squirrel. Are you kidding me????
As the night goes on...I am sitting at the computer and there is a scratch at my door. When I open the door...what do I see...Bad Dog standing there with his new play toy in his mouth. Ready to bring it in my house!!! NOOOO!
I immediately shut the door and tell my husband to get a bag and get rid of this squirrel immediately. So bad dog went back out and was digging looking for his toy...kind of sad...NOT!!!
More snow...more cold...BRRRR!!!!
Be careful!!!!
Last week the boys called me at work and told me that they saw bad dog playing in the backyard and once again he was throwing something up in the yard and catching it. He would pounce on it and just was having a great time. Nik decided to go out and take a picture .... the biggest dead squirrel I have ever seen. Disgusting. So naturally I tell Nik to get rid of it so that bad dog will not continue to play with it. Do teenage boys listen to their mothers...NO!!! He thought it was cute and didn't want to take it away from him.
So I get home last night and I ask the boys why my kitchen blinds which face the backyard are all open? They start laughing and tell me because they wanted to watch the dog play with the squirrel. Are you kidding me????
As the night goes on...I am sitting at the computer and there is a scratch at my door. When I open the door...what do I see...Bad Dog standing there with his new play toy in his mouth. Ready to bring it in my house!!! NOOOO!
I immediately shut the door and tell my husband to get a bag and get rid of this squirrel immediately. So bad dog went back out and was digging looking for his toy...kind of sad...NOT!!!
More snow...more cold...BRRRR!!!!
Be careful!!!!
January 07, 2010
Sometimes my life...
is just boring. I worry that I type on here and you guys are like...Uh...not interested. But guess what...I don't care. I'm just going to keep writing anyway. Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!
But, as I have mentioned many times...I read a lot of other people's blogs. It keeps life in perspective. You realize that so many people are going through so many bad things every day. And sometimes not bad...sometiimes horrible and unimaginable. We lost Shirley at 42 years old. Some people are losing their children when they are very young.
So today I do not have much to write about but I did read this on a blog this morning and I wanted to share it with you. It is something this lady read in a book:
In the book she talks about how a turkey and an eagle react to the threat of a storm in different ways. A turkey reacts by running under the barn, hoping the storm won’t come near. On the other hand, an eagle leaves the security of its nest and spreads its wings to ride the air currents of the approaching storm, knowing they will carry it higher in the sky than it could soar on its own.
This lady talks about how she is reacting like a turkey with her son's illness. God is supposed to help you react like an have faith and put your worries and trust in him. But when you are dealing with a horrible's so hard. I think it is only after it is all over that you can actually rely on your faith. To get you through.
Today I am trying to just be happy with all of my loved ones being healthy. Well..that is except that bad dog. I am reacting like an eagle with him. I have complete faith that he is perfectly fine.
I am sure you would all agree if you would have seen the display he put on in my livingroom last night.
As I was sitting on my chair in front of my fire under my blanket ... trying to watch the KU Basketball game...he decided he did not want me to have a blanket. So he proceeds to come over and rip my blanket off of me. And when I would take it back and put it back on...he would come over and take it back off. This went on for a good half hour and finally I gave up. He took my blanket and laid on it in front of the t.v. Grrrrrr....Bad Dog!!!!
There were 50 other blankets in that livingroom he could have had.
Have a wonderful day!!! Be careful in the snow!
But, as I have mentioned many times...I read a lot of other people's blogs. It keeps life in perspective. You realize that so many people are going through so many bad things every day. And sometimes not bad...sometiimes horrible and unimaginable. We lost Shirley at 42 years old. Some people are losing their children when they are very young.
So today I do not have much to write about but I did read this on a blog this morning and I wanted to share it with you. It is something this lady read in a book:
In the book she talks about how a turkey and an eagle react to the threat of a storm in different ways. A turkey reacts by running under the barn, hoping the storm won’t come near. On the other hand, an eagle leaves the security of its nest and spreads its wings to ride the air currents of the approaching storm, knowing they will carry it higher in the sky than it could soar on its own.
This lady talks about how she is reacting like a turkey with her son's illness. God is supposed to help you react like an have faith and put your worries and trust in him. But when you are dealing with a horrible's so hard. I think it is only after it is all over that you can actually rely on your faith. To get you through.
Today I am trying to just be happy with all of my loved ones being healthy. Well..that is except that bad dog. I am reacting like an eagle with him. I have complete faith that he is perfectly fine.
I am sure you would all agree if you would have seen the display he put on in my livingroom last night.
As I was sitting on my chair in front of my fire under my blanket ... trying to watch the KU Basketball game...he decided he did not want me to have a blanket. So he proceeds to come over and rip my blanket off of me. And when I would take it back and put it back on...he would come over and take it back off. This went on for a good half hour and finally I gave up. He took my blanket and laid on it in front of the t.v. Grrrrrr....Bad Dog!!!!
There were 50 other blankets in that livingroom he could have had.
Have a wonderful day!!! Be careful in the snow!
January 06, 2010
It's hard...
to read back on the posts from a year ago at this time. Things were happening so fast. I knew what was coming...but I wouldn't let myself think about it. I would just stay focused on what needed to be done for Shirley. And yet...there was nothing that could be done.
There is just a constant sick feeling in my stomach every day. It's so hard to be that person that everyone expects you to be....happy. Teresa is not happy. I try. I really do.
For's too hard knowing what my Shirley was going through last year. And it's even harder because she isn't here. I hate it. I hate it every single day.
Tracy...your picture is beautiful. Thank you for sending that to me!
There is just a constant sick feeling in my stomach every day. It's so hard to be that person that everyone expects you to be....happy. Teresa is not happy. I try. I really do.
For's too hard knowing what my Shirley was going through last year. And it's even harder because she isn't here. I hate it. I hate it every single day.
Tracy...your picture is beautiful. Thank you for sending that to me!
January 04, 2010
Update on Bad Dog...
well...there really isn't any. He still has a lump. It doesn't really feel that different to me. But he has a great appetite and plenty of energy. So I really don't know what to do at this point. I think we will finish the medicine up this week and maybe go back in next week. Hmmmm...frustrating.
He definitely has figured out that he is taking medicine. 2 pills in the morning and one at night. We have tried cheese, bread, beef, peanut name it. Even marshmallows. He eats everything and spits the pills out. Grrrrr.... So his momma is holding his big mouth open and throwing them down his throat. He coughs for a little bit...and then we are done.
:) Teresa
He definitely has figured out that he is taking medicine. 2 pills in the morning and one at night. We have tried cheese, bread, beef, peanut name it. Even marshmallows. He eats everything and spits the pills out. Grrrrr.... So his momma is holding his big mouth open and throwing them down his throat. He coughs for a little bit...and then we are done.
:) Teresa
Time for an update...
it's a new year! Hopefully for all a better one. The last two have not been so great.
The snow is keeping me so busy at work. I do all of the billing for that. And at home transcription is keeping me busy. Not much down time.
New Year's Eve Steve and I spent with Tommy and Cindy and Timmy and Bea. We spent it planning our Mexico Trip. It's just a little over 3 weeks away and with this cannot come soon enough.
New Year's Day we went to mom and dad's. Mom fixed her ham and beans and we played some cards. That was a lot of fun. Last year I can remember sitting at the table just watching Shirley try to take a bite or two of the beans. She was just trying to make us happy.
Tomorrow is Timmy's birthday and Friday is Tommy's birthday. They are getting really old... Ha ha ha ha!!!! Saturday night we did go out to eat and to see It's Complicated with all of them. Then we ended up at a bar. Good times with the family!!!!
The kids spent the whole weekend at mom and dad's and finally came home last night...because today was back to school.
So...Happy New Year everyone...let's pray that this one is worry free and happy!!!! For all of us.
The snow is keeping me so busy at work. I do all of the billing for that. And at home transcription is keeping me busy. Not much down time.
New Year's Eve Steve and I spent with Tommy and Cindy and Timmy and Bea. We spent it planning our Mexico Trip. It's just a little over 3 weeks away and with this cannot come soon enough.
New Year's Day we went to mom and dad's. Mom fixed her ham and beans and we played some cards. That was a lot of fun. Last year I can remember sitting at the table just watching Shirley try to take a bite or two of the beans. She was just trying to make us happy.
Tomorrow is Timmy's birthday and Friday is Tommy's birthday. They are getting really old... Ha ha ha ha!!!! Saturday night we did go out to eat and to see It's Complicated with all of them. Then we ended up at a bar. Good times with the family!!!!
The kids spent the whole weekend at mom and dad's and finally came home last night...because today was back to school.
So...Happy New Year everyone...let's pray that this one is worry free and happy!!!! For all of us.
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