are flying by. Amazing how fast time is going.
I went to a Christmas party Saturday night with Joe and Kelly and that was a lot of fun. It was fun to dress up. The picture is of Steve and I in front of the tree. And I normally do not like pictures of myself but me and the bad dog had our picture taken together...notice the treat in my hand....he was more interested in playing with Mr. Alex. We did have Alex at our house this weekend. I could hug that kid all freaking day!!!
Shopping is getting done slowly...never enough time.
I'm feeling very anxious about Christmas. A lot of things are different this year. Of course the main thing is Shirley will not be here. I will look for her when I go to mom and dad's. I still have that habit. It's an awful feeling.
I think I will be having dinner at my friend Teresa's house this week. I am super excited about that. If I have not mentioned it...she has two rescue Golden Retrievers that are absolutely gorgeous. So sweet. A friend that I am so happy I reconnected with.
So...another week back to work...yay!!!
You look so pretty!!! Have a great day
Hi Teresa, this is Kimberly (Kugler) Bryant. I remember Shirley as if it was yesterday. She was one the good ones from our class. I can still picture her red hair, freckles and that big smile of hers. With 9 kids I do not have a lot of time to go on the internet. I am so sorry for your lost but she is your angel. My baby brother Christopher is my angel. You all are in my thoughts and prayers and soon we will see them all.
Teresa - you look wonderful. Hope you have a good week.
As always Teresa you are beautiful, and thinking last year seems like yesterday but so much has happened in between. I found myself thinking and I just started crying remebering my words of don't worry I'll see you this summer and the words I hope and will never know if comfort was ever found in her heart or any one elses.
I love all my siblings more thaan they will ever, ever know.
Rembering from West Virginia,
Hi Aunt Teresa
I have this blog bookmarked on my phone so I can bring it up whenever I'm thinking of Aunt Shirley. It's really late here in West Virginia and for some reason she popped into my mind. We all remember this time last year, some more than others. Honestly though I had a good memory of Aunt Shirley. I remember being out their for Christmas one year and going up to her house and seeing all those Santa Clauses. It was when she and TF were still married so there were Santa statues and castles. It brought a smile to my face. Thought I'd tell you that. Also, I recruited a couple of friends to the cholangio carcinoma causes on facebook. One of my friends said she wished she could have met aunt Shirley because she must have been pretty special for me to wear bracelet for her everyday. My response is she is very special as are the rest of my family. Family cn get you through everything I miss you very much wish I could be out there with u all. You all are in my heart. Love u always your West Virginia niece.
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