look how handsome he is. It was not easy to get this guy to pose and eventually he just gave up and started chewing on his bone. He's almost like a celebrity...he gets tired of the papparazzi always in his face and taking his picture.
I tried to have a talk with him last night on how bad dogs are supposed to behave when we have holiday dinners. I do not think he was listening at all. At one point, I am sure I heard snoring. Grrrrr...
The grocery shopping was done last night. All that is left to get is the giant turkey tomorrow night.
My stress was relieved a little this morning when I got an early morning phone call from Kathy. She has offered to bring over to me the green bean casserole and sweet potatoes. And she is not even eating dinner at our house. Thank you Kathy!!!!!
He looks like a show dog! Give him some kisses from me! Grrrrr!
He is VERY handsome!! :) Thanks for the great pics!! :)
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