of the fair and the hog roast. What few I have. Sammy and Alex did really well last night. Ribbons all around. Of course it was last night so I have already forgotten what they won. But trust me...they did good!!!!
Mom and Dad and Tom and Cindy were there along with Mike and Tom. They will sell the piggies on Friday and be done. I believe this is their last year. Kind of sad...but probably for the best. The living situation does not make it as easy anymore. And it's definitely not the same without Shirley here.
Enjoy and have a wonderful day!!!!
P.S. At first last night, I really felt sorry for the piggies. Their lives are so short and that in a couple of days it will all come to an end. And then all of a sudden...I was a little jealous of them. I told them to tell Shirley hi for me. I am sure Shirley will be there to greet all of the piggies into heaven. Maybe not...Maybe piggies don't go to heaven. I hope they do.
What a great time the Fair is I get to have this great fun August 11-15. The WYCO fair is not the same without all the rides, food and entertainment. The kids all look like they were having fun. Keep up the good work. Tell everyone that I said Hi!
Marla (Boyer) Barber
Oh how fun!! :) I love all the pictures! Everything looks great. I kind of feel sorry for the piggies too...it's like they did such a good job and now all of a sudden it's over for them. Good eatin though right? lol ;)
Thanks for the pictures Teresa!
We just had our fair, too. Both of my kids had pigs. But, this small town fair is nothing like the good ol' days...sounds like it's all changed, too.
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