Wow, so much to talk about with these pictures. The first one I just put in for fun. Bad dog at the dog park...found the mud. He looks so innocent in this picture. Trust me he is not. I have half a remote control in my purse that was eaten by the innocent dog yesterday that I need to replace. Grrrrr...puppy stage is lasting a really, really long time.
The other top picture is one of my Mother's Day gifts. A bench for my front porch. It's really cute and I had picked it out a couple of months ago. My dad has a place to sit when he needs to go out and take care of his bad habit...smoking.
Then we go to the pictures from last night's girls night out at Stix. So much fun!!!! These ladies are just hilarious. The waiter, the chef...very entertaining. And I tried to get some pictures of shrimp being thrown into their mouths. I think a lot of the girls caught their shrimp, but Teresa (Kostelac) Ellis kept trying to catch the shrimp either with her eyes or her cleavage. One or the other. A lot of food, a couple of beers and a lot of fun.
One of the benefits for me is that they do not mind me talking about my Shirley. Which I like to do a lot. It is so nice of them to let me do that. And I am talking to people who knew her. And if you look closely in one of the pictures you will see that the other Teresa is wearing a bracelet. That is so wonderful to see these on peoples arms. I can't even explain the feeling I get seeing them. I know that people will think of her when they see them.
So another girls night is over. It was hard to leave when it was time. We could have talked for several more hours I am sure. I hope more girls can come in the future. I love these girls for taking me in and letting me be part of their group:)
Have a wonderful day!
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