Happy Birthday Jake. We are having Jakie's 16th birthday party at my house tomorrow night. Yea!!!! He is soooo excited. He loves his birthday. When I went in to wish him a happy birthday this morning he said Alex called him at 6:00 this morning. I thought that was very sweet. He learned that from his mama. Shirley never missed one of my kids birthdays.
It will be sad tomorrow having this party without her there. And then we will have to have Easter on Sunday without her. Kathy and I have already talked about this being a difficult weekend. But we will just support each other and get through it. We have no choice. This year will just be full of holidays and events without our family being complete. Someone will be missing. She is gone. I have physical pain in my heart...like she was just ripped out. I know that my family will help ease that pain. They always do. I enjoy them so much.
I hope you all have a blessed Easter and enjoy your families. Color some eggs:)
Love to all of my family and my friends. I love you!!!
Happy birthday, Jake...The year of "1st" without someone is the worst. But you have an awesome family to help each other through..
Happy Birthday big guy 16 a awsome age right?
Everyone have a blessed easter and Thersa hang in there enjoy what you have and all that love you and need you.
Love, Aunt Connie
Hey Jake happy Sweet 16! Wow getting a drivers license and all soon huh ;)
Well Teresa,
I hope you have a good Easter too. Just remember Shirleys spirit is still alive because we are constantly talking about her and have constant reminders of all the joy that she brought to everyone she knew. I'm sure you will have stories about "remember the time when..." It's good to have those :) I hope you all have a blessed Easter!
Oh and Frank just graduated from the Detroit Police Academy today! So we are all very proud of him. It was a beautiful day here. Hope you guys had beautiful weather too!!
I love you all,
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