December 18, 2008

:( Doesn't Feel Good

She is back asleep most of the time and not feeling good. But they are still talking about sending Shirley home. She is supposed to have a visit from her Oncologist this afternoon, so that is what we are waiting on. The news doesn't look great right now, but we will see what he has to say.

They are talking about hospice today so it's very sad. We should know more later. Pray!




Anonymous said...

I know that Hospice is a sad concept but as a hospice nurse you should be comforted by knowing that she will get the best care ever at this most difficult time. Her pain and nausea will be much better controlled. That is what they specialize in. Allowing those symptoms to be controlled will allow you, the family and shirley to enjoy each other to the fullest. But never give up on praying. It is in God's hands and he will do his will. I love you all! Janet Anne

g said...

Many prayers. Much love.

Anonymous said...

Thinking and praying for Shirley. A good person like her should not have to go through this.