September 19, 2008

It's Finally Friday

It's been a really long week. And I am glad it's Friday. I was told by a little birdie (Kathy) that Shirley was extremely tired yesterday. Not feeling very good:( I did get to talk to her last night. She wasn't doing too bad, but heading back to bed. Kathy had stopped by earlier in the day and she just saw Shirley walk out of her bedroom, to the bathroom, and back to the bedroom. So Kathy went in and gave her a kiss and a hug and let her go back to sleep. Those days make me and Kathy ... and I am sure everyone else...very sad. But it's just the way it is. And it makes it better knowing that today, she had enough energy to get up and go to work. And work all day. Shirley's a fighter!!!!

This weekend I gave Shirley instructions to rest up. It's her week off of the evil drugs and I want it to be a good one. We will all need the week to rest up to get ready for the next week. The 30th Shirley goes in for her full day at the Cancer Center. We start off early with CT Scans, blood work, Doctor, and Chemo. Oh and we can't forget dinner after that. Of course. And then on that Friday dad will have his procedures done. Don't ask me what they are, because I don't know, but I do know that it will make him feel better. I am thanking God that he at least made that appointment.

So before I leave this blog for the weekend, I am asking everyone to pray extra hard for Shirley to feel good. Let's all pray for her tests to come out with good results and for dad's procedures to go well. And let's get these two healthy again.


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