Well, we had our trip to St. Louis. And it was a great time. We started out bright and early Friday morning about 6:00 A.M. Our train left at 7:30 and we made it to St. Louis I think around 2:00 P.M. Long, long ride. But very relaxing. Kathy and I enjoyed a few Bloody Mary's and Screwdrivers, which definitely helped.
During our stay, we checked out a new hotel/casino called the Lumiere. It was really nice. They took quite a bit of our money, but we still had a lot of fun. Played the slots machines and some blackjack. Saturday evening we ate at their buffet and they had crab legs, shrimp, steak, lots of dessert. The dinner was awesome, but the people at the table next to us were not. Very, very loud people.
That night we got back to our hotel room and I decided to teach the ladies how to play a little poker. We only played for the change in our purse, but let's just say that my purse is jingling with a lot more change than theirs are.
Overall, a great trip. Bonding with my mom and sisters was awesome. The trip was exhausting but in a good way. Yes, a lot of traveling and yes A LOT of walking. But soooo much fun.
We had delicious chinese food, delicious seafood, our breakfasts at the hotel were awesome. Sightseeing was fun. We tried to do the arch, but the line was so long it was impossible. Shirley got her hour long massage in the room. She said it was great.
I have attached some pictures...so enjoy!
Today, Shirley is having her CT Scan. And tomorrow we see the doctor and get some results. Are we nervous about the results....ALWAYS!!!! Do I have faith that everything will be o.k., I am trying. If everything does go o.k., Shirley will also have her chemotherapy treatment. So, I guess we all know what to pray for tonight.
More later....
you ladies look like you could conquer the world. I am so glad that you all had a wonderful time.
Don't worry Aunt Shirley my snorring would probally make them leave the room also.
well lots of love
you ladies look like you could conquer the world. I am so glad that you all had a wonderful time.
Don't worry Aunt Shirley my snorring would probally make them leave the room also.
well lots of love
What a great trip!!! God is so good. You all do look like movie stars!!!
Thanks for sharing all the pictures. I feel like I had a little mini vacation just looking thro them!
I know that mama, Debbie is surely proud of her girls.
You all are beautiful!!
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