Sharon!!!! You are a wonderful woman and I just wanted to let everyone know that. Of course if they know you, they already know that. Your comments on this website are so uplifting and your words in person and very comforting. You have become a wonderful friend to me and my mother. And now my sister Shirley will know what a great friend you are. She feels your love and does not even know you. I know God did not just make Jake and Tanner friends so that Robin and I could become friends. He knew we would need you down the road!!!
Your ham and potato salad and brownies were awesome. And it was of course perfect timing with Mike's accident and Shirley not feeling well. So on top of being such an awesome person, you are an awesome cook. We love you Sharon, and do not know what we would do without you!!!
August 27, 2008
August 26, 2008
I'm So Much Cooler On-Line
That is my new motto. Everyone tells me how much they love the blog and what a "great" writer I am. So now I have decided that the title to Brad Paisley's song is my new motto! And I am going to sing it all the time.
I thought I would lighten the mood a little bit. Shirley was so sick this morning but I think this afternoon doing a little better, so now I am doing a little better.
I thought I would lighten the mood a little bit. Shirley was so sick this morning but I think this afternoon doing a little better, so now I am doing a little better.
August 26, 2008
Chemo went fine last night. It was a late night. After we were done, we went to eat at Strouds. They have great chicken and they serve it up family style with all of the sides and cinnamon rolls. After we were done, we decided we would not eat like that again. Way too much food and we were just exhausted afterwards. But it was a good time nonetheless with the ladies.
I will say that Miss Shirley was very emotional yesterday. I know that she did not feel good all weekend and that makes me sad. It makes me sad to know you cry Shirley. I know things are difficult, and I know you don't feel good a lot. Life can be very overwhelming and you are dealing with so much. But you have so much support behind you and it is important that you realize that and take advantage of that. It's not easy for anyone to ask for a little help now and then - but people who love you to do that for you. Someday those same people may need you and you will be happy to do it. We love you so much Shirley and want to do whatever we can to make life as easy as possible right now. We can't do much but we will do what we can.
O.K., that's my emotional post for today. Some days are just like that. No chemo next week thank God. And a 3 day weekend ahead. Let's try to make the best of it!!!!
Love, Teresa
I will say that Miss Shirley was very emotional yesterday. I know that she did not feel good all weekend and that makes me sad. It makes me sad to know you cry Shirley. I know things are difficult, and I know you don't feel good a lot. Life can be very overwhelming and you are dealing with so much. But you have so much support behind you and it is important that you realize that and take advantage of that. It's not easy for anyone to ask for a little help now and then - but people who love you to do that for you. Someday those same people may need you and you will be happy to do it. We love you so much Shirley and want to do whatever we can to make life as easy as possible right now. We can't do much but we will do what we can.
O.K., that's my emotional post for today. Some days are just like that. No chemo next week thank God. And a 3 day weekend ahead. Let's try to make the best of it!!!!
Love, Teresa
August 25, 2008
I Don't Do Windows...

But Steve, Ron, Dad, Nik and Jake do. This past Saturday was spent putting one of the many new windows into Shirley's house. Fall is approaching and we are going to try to get as many windows in that we can. Now that Mike is temporarily disabled, others are stepping up to get the job done. Shirley is very grateful for that. And we are happy to do it. Of course, I say that and most of the time Mom, Shirley and I spent in the shade "supervising". I actually had a good time.
This afternoon we will go to chemo. I will update after that. Everyone have a good day.
August 19, 2008
A Tiny Peek Into Our Chemo World...

So I will just start off today saying that Shirley's tumor markers are down to 69. Now they tell us not to look at that number too closely, and we really try not to. But Shirley has felt really good lately, she looks really good, her scans came out good and her markers are down. Besides asking for her cancer to be completely gone, we couldn't ask for much more.
I completely believe in my heart that things happen for a reason. I really don't like to think that God gave Shirley cancer for ANY reason. But I will cherish this time with Mom, Shirley and Kathy for the rest of my life. I was almost looking forward to going just to see them. Things are as good as they can be right now I think with Shirley's health, and I am so grateful for that. I think for the most part, we have all come out of our shock of this whole situation and are just enjoying life with each other. I am so thankful that some of the anger is gone. And I say some, because there is still a lot. But I am burying that for now and moving on. Kathy said today that we are taking this "week by week". And that is true. And that is o.k. Nobody's life is perfect and everybody has to deal with something. This is what we have to deal with and for now we are doing a pretty good job. (as you can tell in the pictures).
I may not always be this positive in the future, but for now I am. They said they will do another CT scan in 6 weeks. So until then....Stay Postive and keep praying!!!! Pray that Shirley will get through this week the best she can, and that Mike's body will start to heal.
August 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Kathy

Yesterday was Kathy's birthday. Wow, she's the youngest of all of us and she's getting old. Join the rest of us!!!! I know she had a really busy day yesterday and didn't get to enjoy it very much. Shirley and I went over to give her gifts and mom and dad were there. So we did celebrate a little.
And tomorrow it's back to chemotherapy. It's been such a nice break. I know Shirley has felt really good. Well, besides her husband being in a motorcycle wreck and being at the hospital. Other than that... I don't know what the two of them will do when Friday comes. Who will take care of who???
I know that this is a difficult time for Shirley and Mike as it would be for any of us. So please pray that Mike recovers from his injuries quickly. And I will say my own little personal prayer that Mike or Shirley never gets on a motorcycle again.
August 15, 2008
A Day In The Life....of Us

Well, more bad luck. Mike, Shirley's husband, wrecked his motorcycle yesterday morning. Thank God he was not hurt more than he was. He has a fractured shoulder and dislocated his ankle. They also said that he had bruised his chest/lungs, which seemed to be their main concern. He was taken to Overland Park Regional and they did keep him there overnight. They did a procedure to put his ankle back in place and put a splint on it. The doctor came out to talk to us and said that he will be laid up for awhile. He was hurt pretty bad. This whole thing happened because a dog decided to have a little early morning fun and see if he could catch Mike's bike. Unfortunately, he did. Mike told us he is hoping the dog lived.....and hurting as bad as he is. Yeah, this sucks...but it could have been a lot worse. He was wearing his helmet and after seeing the's a good thing!
So here we are, another thing to add to our list for bad things that have happened in 2008. But we will move on. We will come together as a family and help Mike and Shirley get through this. Shirley has actually had a really good week being off of her chemotherapy. But we start back up on Tuesday.
August 12, 2008
Steve Sutherland
August 11, 2008
Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Dan

Our family normally doesn't need a reason to get together for a lot of food and fun, but yesterday we did have a reason. My Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Dan came to town from Michigan. My Aunt Carolyn made my mother a beautiful blanket that had "sisters" stuff all over it. My mom loved it - she said it made her cry. And we cry a lot lately anyway, so why not cry over that.
My brother Tommy grilled the chicken and pork chops and the rest of us brought the sides. So much food, but it was delicious.
Shirley was feeling really good yesterday and this is her week off!!! Yea!!!! It's nice to have that week of no chemo, but I did realize when I hugged her goodbye yesterday, how much I would miss seeing her. And how much I would miss the time with my mom and Kathy. Shirley did say that we could meet for lunch this week, so I think that will be much better than meeting for chemo.
It was a wonderful day Sunday and I was sad when I left everyone. I love them all so much.
I have had Thanksgiving at my house for the past 8 years. And usually I have everyone at my house for dinner and dessert. Shirley and Mike have to alternate dinner at my house and Mike's parents house every year. Well up until last week I thought that this year would be the year Shirley would only be at my house for dessert. Then I realized, NOOOOO, it's my year to have Shirley at my dinner. It made me so happy and I am already looking forward to the holidays. I know it's early, but it's my favorite time of it's never too early to start planning.
Everyone have a wonderful week!!!!
August 07, 2008
August 06, 2008
And yet....Another poem...Not by Teresa:)
Tomorrow smile at someone
Tomorrow smile at someone
That you've never seen before.
Take time to think of others that
You feel compassion for.
Tomorrow tell somebody
How they brighten up your day.
Let random acts of kindness
Put your feelings on display.
Tomorrow hug your children
Somewhat tighter than before.
Be sure to think of all the things
You can be thankful for.
Pat your dog a little longer.
Hug and kiss your husband/wife.
Thank your God for granting you
Another day of life.
I really like the line "Pat your dog a little longer". Everyone do that for me!!!! And Tear, thank you for your comments. This blog is definitely an outlet for me and gives me a place to put my thoughts and feelings. It helps. And I am sooo glad everyone likes it. It's nice to hear the good things that people are saying about it. As long as everyone enjoys it, I will keep posting.
See, I don't only talk a lot with my mouth...but also with my fingers!!!!!
August 04, 2008
Not Chemo Day....Chemo Night
I would say changing our time to the late afternoon was a great idea. We got to the center at 4:00 and were gone by 6:40. That late in the day, they are ready to get you in and out. And trust me, they were really ready to get rid of us. We were laughing so hard by the time we left, I'm surprised security was not called. We did find out that we have a relative named Donald Duck, that you should say "kiddy corner" and not "caddy corner". Oh, it's all too much to really go into, but trust me, these women are ridiculous. I wonder to myself everytime I am with them, that even after knowing them for 40 years - we still have so much to talk about. We talk non-stop the entire time we are there, and we can still make each other laugh as hard as we do.
After we left chemo, we wanted to go to Stroud's but of course, the line was out the door. So we ended up at Don Chilitos. Delicious!!! And really nothing unusual there except for the fact that a few "intimate" details were discussed. I was told I could not put them on the blog, but mom and Kathy will know exactly what I am talking about. And it's dirty. That's all I'm going to say. Shirley and I were absolutely horrified (well, I was anyway....Shirley was enjoying it...maybe it was the drugs).
It was a great way to end a day. I love my mom and sisters so much and will never get tired of spending this time with them. If life was perfect, it would not be spent at the Cancer Center, but that's the way it is. And I think we have all accepted that. We have proven that Cancer cannot take away your sense of humor. We all definitely still have that.
Shirley, get through this week the best you can. And then next week...NO CHEMO!!!
Quack, Quack
P.S. Sorry if you don't get everything I am writing about, but I know Shirley, Kathy and Mom will be laughing as soon as they read it. And feel free to ask them what we were actually talking about....Hmmmmmm!!!!!
After we left chemo, we wanted to go to Stroud's but of course, the line was out the door. So we ended up at Don Chilitos. Delicious!!! And really nothing unusual there except for the fact that a few "intimate" details were discussed. I was told I could not put them on the blog, but mom and Kathy will know exactly what I am talking about. And it's dirty. That's all I'm going to say. Shirley and I were absolutely horrified (well, I was anyway....Shirley was enjoying it...maybe it was the drugs).
It was a great way to end a day. I love my mom and sisters so much and will never get tired of spending this time with them. If life was perfect, it would not be spent at the Cancer Center, but that's the way it is. And I think we have all accepted that. We have proven that Cancer cannot take away your sense of humor. We all definitely still have that.
Shirley, get through this week the best you can. And then next week...NO CHEMO!!!
Quack, Quack
P.S. Sorry if you don't get everything I am writing about, but I know Shirley, Kathy and Mom will be laughing as soon as they read it. And feel free to ask them what we were actually talking about....Hmmmmmm!!!!!
The Fair

Here are a couple of pictures from the fair. I wish I would have taken more. There is a picture of Shirley getting ready to eat some cheeseballs (Tommy, will be jealous), a picture of Cindy:) - she is only smiling because it is her last year doing the fair, a picture of Matt and Crystal - young and in love!!!! And then of cowboy! Isn't he cute?
Yes, it's Chemo Day...
Today is Shirley's day for Chemotherapy but we are not going this morning. Instead she has changed the time to 4:00. We hope that the change in time will actually give her some time to do some stuff on Monday instead of spend the entire day at the Cancer Center. We may get home a little later but at least the whole day is not spent there. We will see how it goes.
Shirley did survive the fair. I know it was very, very hot the last couple of days. I am glad it is over so I don't have to worry about her out there. I do know Mike took care of her and did not make her spend a lot of time there. I am sure they are all glad that it is done.
I do believe that next weekend our Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Dan come to town. We will all get together for a BBQ like we always do and have a great time. I am looking forward to that.
So we will get through today and Shirley can look forward to being off next week. That is always nice. I know she did not feel very well last night so hopefully that has passed.
Will update on our chemo day later!!! Everyone have a wonderful day:)
Shirley did survive the fair. I know it was very, very hot the last couple of days. I am glad it is over so I don't have to worry about her out there. I do know Mike took care of her and did not make her spend a lot of time there. I am sure they are all glad that it is done.
I do believe that next weekend our Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Dan come to town. We will all get together for a BBQ like we always do and have a great time. I am looking forward to that.
So we will get through today and Shirley can look forward to being off next week. That is always nice. I know she did not feel very well last night so hopefully that has passed.
Will update on our chemo day later!!! Everyone have a wonderful day:)
August 01, 2008
Another Day
Well, it's Friday, it's super hot, and my dog is still gone:( So, this post is probably not going to be my best. I'm not dealing with the loss of my Rocky very well. I miss him a lot. And I know everyone says that it will get better, but it hasn't yet. So I am still waiting. I did talk to Shirley earlier today and she sounded very tired. I think she was going to spend this day sleeping as much as possible. She had Chemo on Tuesday so today will be her bad day. I am sure being out at the fairgrounds all week has not helped, especially in this heat.
So, not a great day. Hopefully it gets better. We do chemo on Monday afternoon. We are going to start going later so it doesn't ruin our entire day. So I think we go at 4:00 on Monday. I will update everyone on Tuesday.
Have a good weekend.
So, not a great day. Hopefully it gets better. We do chemo on Monday afternoon. We are going to start going later so it doesn't ruin our entire day. So I think we go at 4:00 on Monday. I will update everyone on Tuesday.
Have a good weekend.
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